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The MG Designs Blog

Bigger Isn't Always Better

Bigger isn’t Always Better: Who to Hire to Build your Small to Medium Business Website

When it comes to building a new website for your company, you’ll be faced with lots of decisions...
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Cost of Building a New Marketing Website

A quick Google search will tell you that a small website to market your business could cost you anywhere from $1,000 to $50,000. That’s quite the range and not exactly what most people would find helpful, especially if you have a small business you’re trying to get online. So, what
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Why Long-Term Digital Marketing & Web Maintenance Contracts Are a Bust

There are a lot of problems with long-term digital marketing and website maintenance contracts. They are often called retainers and what they do is lock you in to a set number of hours for a set number or dollars each month for a year or more. Their reasoning behind this
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What is Reseller Hosting & Why It’s a Scam

For many clients, a web designer or developer is the first stop to getting their website online. After your website is built, you’ll will likely turn to your designer for help with the next step, which is generally hosting. This can be a daunting and confusing task, especially if you
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