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Sustainable Website for Wave Equity Partners

Wave Equity Partners is an impact investment firm that focuses on investing in companies and startups who invent a better world. Deep at the core of their business strategy is a dedication to meaningful environmental, social and governance impact. They have the numbers to back their claims, but their outdated website was giving a different first impression to investors and potential companies seeking investment. 

Wave Equity Partners doesn’t just talk a good game. They are dedicated to creating a more sustainable future for us all and wanted to show their dedication in every way possible. For them, that meant they needed to do more than simply update the look and feel of their website. It needed to truly align with their business strategy and to do that it also needed to be sustainable. 

Sustainable website design is an approach where people and the planet are put first. That usually means sustainable websites are designed to meet higher performance and usability standards. They are extremely user-friendly. They need to add value, be ethical and not misleading or exploitative in any way. Green, eco-friendly websites are also designed to run more efficiently and use the least amount of resources possible. You can take your sustainable website a step further and make sure the servers hosting it are powered by renewable energy. 

You can view the sustainability website we designed and developed for Wave Equity Partners here: For more information on how our green, eco-friendly website design and development services can help you meet your sustainability goals while also driving growth and profitability to your business, reach out online or give us a call at (414) 232-7862.

Would You Like to Get in Touch?

If you’re thinking about working with us and would like to know more, give us a call at (414) 232-7862. You can also connect with us online. We’d love to talk with you about your business and design needs. If you’d like references, we have those, too. Our past and current clients would be happy to tell you all about our work and how it helped them for them.