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Design & HTML Coding for Lonely Planet Email Marketing

Lonely Planet is an international travel brand offering travel advise and tips to readers all around the world. Over the years, Matt Gerber Designs has assisted with their email marketing campaign, designing and coding HTML emails for their United States and international publications.

Above are a few examples of the promotional and circulation emails we’ve designed and coded for them. As you can see, the email design utilizes many elements of their corporate branding to ensure continuity across their communications. This is something we always consider with our email marketing services, ensuring that each and every communication meets your brand standards and feels as though it’s coming directly from you.

If you are interested in learning more about our email marketing campaign services, contact us today. We have extensive experience in email marketing design and are familiar most common email platforms, including MailChimp and Constant Contact. We offer custom HTML designs, customized templates and coding for all types of email campaigns and can even set you up with responsive, mobile-friendly landing pages to correspond to your email marketing efforts. To get started, give our Wisconsin office a call at (414) 232-7862 or send us a message online.

Would You Like to Get in Touch?

If you’re thinking about working with us and would like to know more, give us a call at (414) 232-7862. You can also connect with us online. We’d love to talk with you about your business and design needs. If you’d like references, we have those, too. Our past and current clients would be happy to tell you all about our work and how it helped them for them.