Email Marketing for Professional BoatBuilder
Professional BoatBuilder is a magazine written and edited for boatbuilders, repairers, designers and surveyors with an audited circulation of 24,000 readers worldwide. The magazine prints six issues every year and Matt Gerber Designs provides them with email marketing services to support their circulation marketing efforts.
Our experienced email marketing designers, design and code each email ensuring messaging and imagery is on brand. And with an extensive background in circulation marketing, our email marketing team knows how to make emails stand out and reach your target.
We offer custom designs, customized templates and coding for all types of email marketing campaigns including circulation, acquisition and retention emails, like the ones pictured above for Professional BoatBuilder, as well as promotional emails, membership and continuity emails, and can even set you up with responsive, mobile-friendly landing pages to correspond to your email marketing efforts.
For more information or to get started launching your new email marketing campaign, contact Matt Gerber Designs today. You can reach us at (414) 232-7862 or send us a message online. We’d be more than happy to go over all the email marketing services we offer with you.